Anthony P Curatola

Winner Bio

Hi, my name is Tony Curatola, Ph.D. and as an accounting and tax professor since 1981 I have had the opportunity to write and present tax issues impacting individuals and small businesses. For example, my research on the source tax has appeared in media such as Forbes, The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times. My contributions to the today’s tax professionals have included serving as the author and editor for 32 years of the monthly tax column appearing in Strategic Finance of the Institute of Management Accountants, authoring over 25 Interactive education courses for CeriFi (previously Thomson Reuters), and now, being asked to write and present over 20 webinars for my-CPE. As a result of these activities, I have been invited to present tax current and possible future tax issues to accounting and tax professionals. I consider myself, most fortunate to contribute to the tax profession.