Wisconsin CPA CPE Requirements

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CPE Credits for Wisconsin Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Professionals

Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is a designation given by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) to individuals that pass the Uniform CPA Examination and meet the education and experience requirements. The CPA designation helps enforce professional standards in the accounting industry. CPA (Certified Public Accountant) is the highest accounting credential in the United States. CPA ensures global recognition for accounting & finance professionals.

The Wisconsin - Board of Accountancy provides assurance to public that CPA (Wisconsin) operates at the highest level of professional competence through, verification of education and experience credentials.


CPE Requirements
80 hours during each 2-year period immediately preceding the renewal date, with a minimum of 20 hours per year.
License Renewal Period
Renew your license by 14th December of each odd-numbered year.
CPE Reporting Cycle
Biennium from 12/15/odd – 12/14/odd year.
Ethics Requirement
Each licensee must secure Three (3) hours of ethics credit from formal learning activities.
Carry Over Credits
Wisconsin CPA can carry forward a maximum of 40 CPE credits from one compliance period of 2 years to the next consecutive compliance period of 2 years.
Subject Area RestrictionSelf-realization, Spirituality, Personal health or fitness, Sports and recreation, Foreign languages or cultures; and any other subjects that do not contribute directly to the professional competence of the licensee are not allowed for CPE.

What are the Wisconsin CPA CPE requirements?

The holder of an active CPA certificate must comply with the 80-hour CPE requirement. A minimum of 20 hours per year must be reported, and 80 hours must be obtained during each 2-year period immediately preceding the renewal date. Many of our programs in Live and Self-Study are approved for continuing education for Wisconsin CPA.

CLICK HERE for MYCPE ONE Packages for Wisconsin CPAs that would meet all of your annual continuing education requirements in one go.

What is the Wisconsin CPA Ethics CPE Requirement?

The holder of an active CPA certificate must comply with the Three (3) hours of ethics course as a part of the 80-hour compliance period of 2 years. At MYCPE ONE, we provide Ethics courses to Wisconsin CPAs as a part of a membership initiative.

What is a license renewal period for Wisconsin Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Professionals?

The Wisconsin (WI) CPA license renewal period ends on December 14th of each odd-numbered year.

What is the CPE reporting cycle for Wisconsin Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Professionals?

A CPE reporting cycle for Wisconsin (WI) CPA is Biennium from 12/15/odd – 12/14/odd year. 

Need guidance with compliance requirements?

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Individual Subscription

  • Unlimited Access to Continuing Education: Dive into our extensive library at your own pace without incurring any extra cost for your learning and compliance.
  • Top-Quality Courses: Our expert-led continuing education courses in 500+ subject areas with average 4.5* ratings. 
  • Flexibility: Learn anytime, anywhere, on any device.


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Team Subscription

  • Unlimited Team Access to Continuing Education: Enable your team to grow together meeting compliances through our top quality courses.
  • Admin Dashboard: Easily track progress, manage team Learning, and assign continuing education courses. 
  • Flexibility: Learn anytime, anywhere, on any device.


WI-CPA Packages

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is Link to the state board website to access FAQs on Wisconsin CPA CPE requirements and Regulations.

Acceptable continuing professional education encompasses programs contributing to the development and maintenance of both technical and non-technical professional skills. It should be at least 50 minutes in length. Wisconsin Board of Accountancy specifies the below-mentioned subject areas as qualifying subject areas:

Technical subject areas:

  • Accounting
  • Accounting (Governmental)
  • Auditing
  • Auditing (Governmental)
  • Business Law
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Information Technology.
  • Management Services
  • Regulatory Ethics
  • Specialized Knowledge
  • Statistics
  • Taxes

Non-Technical subject areas:

  • Behavioral Ethics
  • Business Management & Organization
  • Communications and Marketing
  • Computer Software & Applications
  • Personal Development
  • Personnel/Human Resources
  • Production

You should choose MYCPE ONE Packages for Wisconsin Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Professionals for the following reasons:

  • Customized packages as per the Wisconsin CPA CPE requirement
  • 4 hours of Ethics to complete Wisconsin CPA Ethics CPE requirement
  • Most of the learning is from technical subject areas

Our CPE Package for Wisconsin CPAs is 100% compliant with the regulations of the Wisconsin State Board of Accountancy and we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you feel the package is non-compliant, please email our support team at (support@my-cpe.com) and let us know how it is non-compliant and we will happily refund your full payment.

You need to earn a minimum of 40 CPE credits through formal learning activities with the Wisconsin CPA. 

Self-realization, Spirituality, Personal health or fitness, Sports and recreation, Foreign languages or cultures; and any other subjects that do not contribute directly to the professional competence of the licensee are not allowed for CPE

All of the following MYCPE ONE Learning Activities are approved to meet Wisconsin CPA CPE requirements-

  1. Self-Study Courses
  2. Live Webinars
  3. Virtual Events
  4. Articles
  5. Packages
  6. Short videos
  7. E-Book
  8. Certificate Courses

In addition to the above activities, the following mentioned activities may also contribute towards continuing education

  •  Attending lectures.
  • Teaching a course.
  • Performing independent research.
  • Listening to podcasts.
  • Reading books and articles.
  • Attending meetings.

Members are encouraged to use the WICPA's online CPE Tracker to record both formal and informal CPE activities since this will simplify the process of recording. A licensee shall retain all of the following documentation of each learning activity for which CPE credits are claimed for at least 5 years from the date on which the activity was completed:

  • The title and author of a book the participant has read. 
  • A copy of an article the participant has read, or the title of the article and the name of the publication in which the article appeared. 
  • Minutes from a meeting attended by the participant. 
  • A program outline or hand-outs from a learning activity attended by the participant. 
  • A link to reading, video, audio, or other online learning material.

Click here for reference to the board website.

The annual license renewal fee is $43 and if the CPA applies for the renewal late then an additional $68 late fee is also to be paid.

For Further Information on here is the link to its Fee Schedule.

A Wisconsin (WI) CPA can complete 100% of the total required CPE credit hours via self-study courses. i.e., an Wisconsin (WA) CPA can complete all 80 hours via self-study courses from NASBA-approved CPE sponsors as MYCPE ONE is approved by NASBA (Sponsor id 143597) our CPE Package for Wisconsin CPAs are 100% compliant with that requirement.

Yes, Wisconsin State Board allows courses completed via nano learning courses to count towards WI CPE requirements.

Yes, Wisconsin (WI) CPAs can carry over excess credit earned from one compliance period of 2 years period to the next consecutive compliance period of 2 years period a maximum of 40 CPE credits that exceed the minimum number of credits required to satisfy requirements in the earlier compliance period.

A licensee who fails to complete the requirements under this section may not practice in this state as a certified public accountant until the license is renewed or reinstated. The board may waive all or a portion of the CPE credits required under this section if it finds exceptional circumstances such as prolonged illness, disability, or other similar circumstances have prevented a licensee from meeting the requirements.

  • The CPE requirement for new members who join in the first year of the compliance period is reduced by one-half of the total credits for the compliance period. However, members must complete a minimum of 40 credits the following year (the second year of the compliance period), including 3 ethics credits.
  • New members who join in the second year of the compliance period are exempt from the total credit requirement for the compliance period.

As MYCPE ONE is approved by NASBA (Sponsor id 143597) many of our courses are approved for Wisconsin CPAs. And for further guidance, we have provided details for “QUALIFIES FOR” on each page of the courses about Approval/Qualifications of CPE Credits for your reference.

As MYCPE ONE is approved by NASBA (Sponsor id 143597) many of our courses are approved for Wisconsin CPAs. And for further guidance, we have provided details for “QUALIFIES FOR” on each page of the courses about Approval/Qualifications of CPE Credits for your reference. However, it will be the responsibility of each attendee to ensure that they are eligible for the Continuing Professional Education Credits based on their occupation/job profile, knowledge requirements as well as guidelines laid down by their regulatory board before registering for the webinars. So, make sure you check with the respective state board or regulatory body.

Wisconsin State Board of Accountancy governs accounting and auditing profession in the state of Wisconsin and here is the link to the State Board Website.

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