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How PwC is Betting Big on OpenAI's ChatGPT?

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11 JUN 2024 / TECH & AI

How PwC is Betting Big on OpenAI's ChatGPT?

How PwC is Betting Big on OpenAI's ChatGPT?

PwC is set to become ChatGPT’s largest enterprise customer. It seems PwC is not just dipping its toes; they're diving headfirst into the future of auditing and tax services. The numbers speak for themselves—with the AI market projected to skyrocket to $390.9 billion by 2025, it's clear why this partnership makes perfect sense. By leveraging AI, PwC aims not only to revolutionize how audits are conducted but also to provide clients with cutting-edge insights and smoother operational workflows. It's innovation in action, paving the way for a smarter, data-driven approach to professional services. 

Before we jump into the collaboration, let's get the backstory straight...

GenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, is one of the most well-known platforms in the AI field. It has been in the spotlight for developing intelligent AI technology. From creating sophisticated Language Learning Models (LLM) to implementing advancements in machine learning, it has consistently pushed its limits on innovation. 

PwC announced in May 2024 a collaboration with GenAI. With this move, PwC has become ChatGPT's top customer and its first reseller. The partnership aims to explore how GenAI can enhance its services. This move is part of PwC's digital transformation strategy, which aims to inspire other businesses to adopt AI. It’s a significant step in integrating AI into everyday business practices.  

Currently, PwC has purchased 100,000 ChatGPT user licenses from GenAI, making it the largest user of ChatGPT Enterprise. The implementation will commence in 2024 in the States and the UK. This will enable PwC to scale AI capabilities across its enterprise and client services. 

If we talk about the status, PwC's survey indicates that 73% of NextGen believe that Generative AI is a powerful force for transformation. The company also states that AI is expected to contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, highlighting its immense potential for growth and impact. Hence it is safe to say that this partnership allows PwC to integrate ChatGPT's advanced AI models, such as GPT-4, into its solutions, enhancing capabilities in areas like audit, consulting, and tax. By automating routine processes and providing sophisticated data analysis, AI can significantly improve efficiency and accuracy.   

If we look closely, in the USA, several well-known accounting and auditing firms have integrated AI to enhance workforce efficiency. For instance, KPMG utilizes AI in its KPMG Clara platform to analyze large data sets, identify risks, and generate audit evidence. Thus, allowing auditors to focus on higher-risk areas and improving audit quality and insights.  

Similarly, Armanino employs AI for tasks such as cash flow analysis, SOC 2 preparation, and creating digital workers to automate repetitive tasks. These implementations help firms manage data more effectively, streamline processes, and focus on strategic activities. As a result, ultimately increasing productivity and efficiency. 

But what does this mean in practical terms?

As PwC plans to integrate ChatGPT's advanced language models into its consulting and advisory services. PwC also wishes to utilize ChatGPT’s tools to enhance its internal processes. From automating routine administrative tasks to providing AI-driven training programs for its employees, the potential applications are extensive. And there is no doubt that this move is expected to free up valuable human resources. Thus, allowing PwC professionals to focus on more strategic, high-impact activities. 

It's clear that the core message from this is.

It’s time to upskill with the industry trends. As the digital revolution accelerates, the skills and capabilities required in the business world keep changing. 

  1. To remain competitive in the industry, professionals must embrace lifelong learning. This means staying updated on technological advancements, upskilling in areas like data analytics and AI, and being adaptable to new ways of working. 
  2. Be Tech-Savvy! It’s important to have a solid understanding of AI implementation and working. This knowledge will enhance your ability to leverage these tools. As a result, positioning you as a forward-thinking professional. 
  3. While AI can handle a lot of mundane tasks, human creativity and critical thinking remain irreplaceable. Professionals who can think outside the box, solve complex problems, and provide innovative solutions will continue to be in high demand. 
  4. AI can take over more mundane tasks, leaving more time for professionals to focus on value-added activities. They will have more time to focus on activities that add real value. This could mean spending more time on strategic planning, building client relationships, or developing new business opportunities. 
  5. The pace of change in today’s world is relentless. Professionals who can quickly adapt to new technologies, market conditions, and business models will be best positioned to succeed. This requires an agile and adaptable mindset that is open to change and a willingness to pivot when necessary. 
  6. Remember AI is a partner, not a replacement. AI can augment human capabilities but cannot replace them. By working with AI, professionals can enhance their productivity. Thus, making better decisions and delivering impactful results

Does it mean the future is now?

The partnership is a clear indication that AI is a powerful tool that can transform how businesses operate and deliver value. For professionals, this is both a challenge and an opportunity. 

The challenge lies in the need to continuously evolve and adapt. The opportunity, however, is immense. By embracing AI and the new possibilities it brings, professionals can unlock new levels of productivity, creativity, and impact. 

In the end, the message is clear: the future is now. Those who are ready to embrace it, learn from it, and grow with it will thrive. For the rest, it’s a wake-up call that the time to act is over! So, dust off those old textbooks, enroll in online courses and start exploring the world of AI. The future of work is here, and it’s full of potential for those who dare to seize it! This wraps up everything about ChatGPT and its partnership with PwC, making it the largest enterprise customer.

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