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In the past several years, almost everything has made its place on the internet. There were things that some of us thought could never be done online like dating, getting medication and shopping for groceries! I am sure you would have recalled the names relevant to websites while reading each one of them! Well, the same goes with marketing and education, but who thought that these two can go online hand-in-hand in the form of webinars to create wonders in lead generation for businesses. Of course there are some sauces and toppings which you need to add in order to make the blend of professional education and marketing more meaningful. So here are some Pro-Tips which should be followed in order to generate leads through CPE webinars.

1. Attract Right Audience to your Webinars:

You cannot get a piece of chocolate from a box full of cherries. The fundamental step to better leads start with understanding your ideal webinar audience. Who do you want to attend your webinars? Marketers can answer this important question by creating buyer personas.

To attract more sales-ready leads, buyer personas must be aligned with your webinar strategy at every level. At myCPE, we use the data you know about the ideal buyer to determine:

  • Which Titles or Designations should be invited?
  • Selection of Topic
  • Channels used to promote the webinar
  • What date/time you conduct the live event
  • Key points to highlight in the Title, Course Description, Learning Objectives

2. Articulate using Title, Course Description, Learning Objectives

Where do you think the decision for whether to attend the webinar or not is taken? Well, 97% of the times it is when the user is going through the course description and/or learning objectives before registering for the webinar. What takes the user to read the course description and learning objectives, is of course the title! As obvious as it seems, title is one of the most critical factors.

To have a catchy and inclusive webinar title and well-articulated course description & learning objectives is the key to have a page viewer attend your webinar. These details should be indicative of how you plan to align your target audience’s needs and desires with your offerings.

Nevertheless the right title, detailed course description and well-articulated learning objectives are the most organic forms to acquire the right audiences for your webinars. The user gets a very clear idea of whether or not a particular webinar should be attended by him consequently the right potentials are delivered to you to nurture.

3. Understanding the Typical Lead Conversion Lifecycle

Did you register for a few webinars recently? If yes, it didn’t mean you would attend. And if you attended or watched a replay, chances are that you didn’t purchase the products or services promoted! Well, here is the cold hard truth – Out of a 100 people that visit the registration page, around 50 register for the webinar and around 30 of them attend it. Typically around 10 of them sign up for the call toof action and around 3 of them get converted to your clients/customers.

Oh! So only 2-3% conversion? Are webinars even worth the investment that we make? Of course they are! When done with the right platform and adhering to certain protocols.

To make CPE webinars worth your time and investment you need to continue doing them as it triggers multilevel engagement. Conversion within 3 months of commencement of doing regular webinars might be 3-5% but in the 12-18 months cycle they are in higher single digit percentages.

The users and attendees might not need your solution today but maybe later they will recall it in the hour of need. And in order to remind them about your offerings ensures Multi-Level Engagement at 3 different levels: (i) Prior to the webinar through registration confirmation emails (ii) During the webinar through in-chat messaging and (iii) After webinar through evaluation and feedback email.

4. Focus on Education, Value and Persuasion

We are going to suggest something that you might not want to agree to. DON’T SELL SOMETHING! Really? Well, Yes. As much as this is a sales presentation and you are trying to sell something, don’t do that. Focus on being educational and persuasive, not on selling. Follow-up emails, calls, and your offer are where you do your selling.

As simple as this tip seems for those who have been involved in content or inbound marketing for some time, this is a new concept for those who are not used to this "inbound methodology” that focuses on providing educational information instead of “always be closing” or pitching something.

“Content marketing is the marketing and business process for creating and distributing content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience—with the objective of driving profitable customer action.” By quoting Joe Pulizzi, author of Epic Content Marketing: How to Tell a Different Story, Break through the Clutter, and Win More Customers by marketing less, we would like to emphasize on a fact about content marketing that if your content is geared towards educating the audience - the conversion would be seamless.

Webinars are a great way to provide additional information to webinar attendees and shouldn’t be focused too heavily on selling something during the webinar. Tell a story and make it a compelling one—don’t use the webinar to sell… that’s what follow-up emails and your special offers are for.

5. Continue Providing Value

The reality is, not every webinar lead will be ready to buy after each live event. In fact, it’s likely that some registrants won’t even attend your webinar. For this reason, you must develop post-webinar promotion tactics to engage and nurture unqualified leads.

6. Offer on-demand access:

Historically, we have observed that there is a class of attendees that just watches the on-demand webinar. With that in mind, at myCPE we provide you FREE conversion of your webinar to On-Demand and we promote the same to our user-base.

7. Provide relevant content post-event:

Use feedback from the live Q&As, in chat questions, and surveys to create new content that resonates with prospective leads. Many prospects will appreciate the convenience of webinar information in a downloadable PDF. at myCPE, we promote this targeted content through emails the opening rate of which is as high as 95%. Also, we include short write ups about your offerings in the post-registration follow-up emails with a relevant call to action.

8. Follow up with attendees:

We send an email to registrants thanking them for registering. Following your webinar we send out an email thanking attendees for watching along with an evaluation form which can be used to collect feedback about the webinar. Then, we share the attendance data and attendee feedback to improve future webinars.

9. Make your Webinar Engaging and Interactive

With the strong technological backbone that we have and our seamless integration with Zoom, there are multiple ways to make webinars more engaging and interactive. Below are some steps that can be taken:

  • Engagement in Chat
  • Always use a webcam (it feels good to listen to a live person)
  • Add more polling questions
  • Humor/Fun should be a part of your overall webinar delivery.
  • Visually appealing content, Case Studies, Story line up, Charts and Surveys, Infographics, Videos etc. are always engaging.
  • You can play up to 2 to 3 minutes of video before starting the webinar.
  • Always have a call to action in the webinar and contact information in the end.

10. Relate Your Special Offer to the Webinar

When Don Vito Corleone said, “I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse”, he probably forgot to mention the timing at which the offer should be made! There would definitely be a special offer that you would like to make to your audience but do not forget to somehow relate the offer to your main point or the case that you are stating during your presentation. A special offer will be better received by your webinar attendees if it applies to what you have been discussing.

If you're going to offer something special to webinar participants, such as an eBook, make sure that it’s related to something you discussed during the webinar. This can help to provide additional value to your webinar attendees and creates a better user experience.

11. Maximize myCPE Marketing Add-ons

To help you get the benefits of multilevel engagement with your registrants and attendees, we at offer you certain marketing add-ons. We recommend you to make the most of these add-ons to have unparalleled inbound marketing experience.

The marketing add-ons which are offered at myCPE includes Active Referral Feature, Email Ads to Registrants, Free Conversion to Self-Study, Post Webinar Follow up Email and Survey, Featured Webinar in Email Campaign, In-Chat Promotions etc.

12. Promote your webinars

If the previous steps are executed correctly (which we try our best to do), the end result will be a highly strategic and targeted marketing CPE webinar. But, you must still prep your webinar funnel to reach your ideal audience of potential customers. Sharing your webinar with your existing followers is a great starting point to get the word out. They already know about you, so it’s often much easier for them to say “yes” to registering for your event. In order to complement this you can use myCPE’s ‘Active Referral Feature’ where we give you a unique sharable registration link for each of your webinars and you will not be charged any cost for attendees registering through that link.

Allen Smith
Allen Smith
Learning Consultant

The Authors, Allen Smith is a Practicing Certified public accountant and senior vice president at MYCPE ONE – Continuing Education Platform for Professionals. He understands the current needs of the education domain and strategies for the presenters to adapt the new changes.

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