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CPE credits for Certified Financial Service Auditor (CFSA) Professionals

The International Standards for the Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards) require internal auditors to enhance their knowledge, skills, and other competencies through continuing professional development. This requirement helps ensure that internal auditors remain competent in the growing and dynamic profession of internal auditing. In addition to that, those who have obtained a professional certification/qualification through The IIA (henceforth referred to as “certified individuals”) are required to obtain continuing professional development.

MYCPE ONE offers Continuing Education courses for Certified Financial Services Auditors (CFSA). MYCPE ONE has effectively met the standards set up by The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) so all MYCPE ONE courses are eligible for IIA Credits. We are focused on providing quality continuing education to Certified Financial Services Auditors (CFSA) that incorporates the qualified subject areas. Our CPE courses are authored/reviewed by industry specialists and subject matter experts.  All our courses are designed in a way to ensure that courses meet your continuing education requirements.


CPE Requirements
20 hours for practicing CFSAs and 10 hours for Non-practicing CFSA.
License Renewal Period
Renew your license by December 31st each year
CPE Reporting Cycle
The reporting period is from January 1st to December 31st each year.
Ethics Requirement
2 hours on the subject focusing on Ethics

What are CPE Requirements for Certified Financial Service Auditor (CFSA) Professionals?

The number of annual CPE hours required varies depending on the certification/qualification held and whether the certified individual is practicing or nonpracticing. Practicing CFSAs are required to complete 20 hours of CPE hours during their re-certification cycle while Non-practicing CFSAs are required to complete 10 CPE hours during their recertification cycle.

For individuals who hold multiple certifications/qualifications, the CPE hours earned for the CCSA, CGAP, CFSA, CRMA, and QIAL may be applied toward their required CPE hours for the CIA. In other words, if a practicing individual holds both the CIA and CRMA, and completes 40 hours of training related to internal auditing and risk management assurance, those hours can be used to satisfy the CPE requirements for both the CIA and CRMA. Many of our programs in Live and Self-Study are approved for continuing education for Certified Financial Service Auditor (CFSA) Professionals.

What is the Ethics Requirement for Certified Financial Service Auditor (CFSA) Professionals?

CFSAs are required to complete 2 hours of training on Ethics annually. The IIA does not prescribe where an individual must obtain this training.

What is a license renewal period for Certified Financial Service Auditor (CFSA) Professionals?

Renewal of Certified Financial Services Auditors (CFSA) is on or before December 31st every year.

What is the CPE reporting cycle for Certified Financial Service Auditor (CFSA) Professionals?

The reporting period is from January 1st to December 31st each year.

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Individual Subscription

  • Unlimited Access to Continuing Education: Dive into our extensive library at your own pace without incurring any extra cost for your learning and compliance.
  • Top-Quality Courses: Our expert-led continuing education courses in 500+ subject areas with average 4.5* ratings. 
  • Flexibility: Learn anytime, anywhere, on any device.


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Team Subscription

  • Unlimited Team Access to Continuing Education: Enable your team to grow together meeting compliances through our top quality courses.
  • Admin Dashboard: Easily track progress, manage team Learning, and assign continuing education courses. 
  • Flexibility: Learn anytime, anywhere, on any device.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a link to the IIA website to access FAQs on CPE Requirements and Regulations for Certified Financial Services Auditors (CFSA).

Following are the subject areas for CFSAs to qualify for CPE:-

  1. Financial Services Auditing
  2. Auditing Financial Services Products
  3. Auditing Financial Service Processes
  4. The Regulatory Environment

For detailed information, please CLICK HERE.

There are no minimum CPE requirements in a particular subject area.

  • Seminars and conferences are provided by national, state, or local auditing or accounting organizations.
  • Technical sessions at meetings of national/federal, state, or local auditing or accounting organizations and chapters (e.g., training provided during an IIA chapter meeting).
  • Formal in-house training programs that meet the aforementioned educational program requirements.
  • Relevant industry-specific educational programs are provided by other professional organizations or societies.
  • College or university courses passed (credit and noncredit courses), excluding courses that a candidate must take to meet the examination requirement for a bachelor's degree or its equivalent.
  • Formal correspondence and self-study programs relevant to internal auditing that meet program criteria, including evidence of completion.
  • Passing examinations.
  • Authoring or contributing to publications. (Maximum 10 hours of CPE)
  • Translating publications. (Maximum 10 hours of CPE)
  • Delivering oral presentations. (Maximum 10 hours of CPE)
  • Participating as a subject matter expert volunteer. (Maximum 10 hours of CPE)
  • Performing external quality assessments. (Maximum 10 hours of CPE)

For detailed information on qualifying learning activities, please CLICK HERE.

The license can be renewed by payment of a renewal fee of $ 20 for US Members. For Canadian members, renewal fees are $ 120.

CLICK HERE for more details.

Certified Financial Services Auditors (CFSA) can complete 100% of the total required CE credits hours via self-study courses. i.e., CFSAs can complete CPE hours via self-study courses from NASBA-approved CPE sponsors as MYCPE ONE is approved by NASBA. MYCPE ONE has effectively met the standards set up by The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) so all MYCPE ONE courses are eligible for IIA Credits.

Individuals who do not complete their CPE reporting form on or before 31 December will automatically transition from certified to an inactive (grace period) status. Individuals who remain in an inactive (grace period) status for more than 12 months will automatically be transitioned to inactive status.

For more information, please CLICK HERE.

New CFSAs are awarded 40 CPE hours. Half of the awarded CPE hours (20) are for the year in which the exam is passed, and the other half is for the subsequent year.

Certified individuals report their CPE hours by submitting a CPE reporting form before December 31 annually, which serves as a signed statement that all applicable CPE requirements have been met. A separate CPE reporting form is required for each certification held. In addition to reporting their completion of the required CPE hours, as stated earlier, certified individuals must indicate whether they conform with the Standards and attest to their conformance with The IIA’s Code of Ethics.

Certified individuals must maintain a copy of all supporting documentation as well as the CPE reporting form(s) they submitted for at least three years, and records must be made available to The IIA or its designee upon The IIA's request. The records maintained by the individual must include the following information, as appropriate:

  • Title of the program and/or description of the content.
  • Dates attended.
  • Location of course or program.
  • Sponsoring organization.
  • Contact CPE hours of credit, as recommended by the course or program sponsor.
  • A letter, certificate, or other written independent attestation of course completion.
  • Documentation supporting publications, oral presentations, committee involvement, or other Participation.

MYCPE ONE provides courses that are approved for continuing education credits by NASBA. Based on the guidelines issued by these boards regarding Continuing Education Requirements, we recommend the programs/ webinars to be suitable for NASBA specified in each webinar. However, it will be the responsibility of each attendee to ensure that they are eligible for the Continuing Education Credits based on their occupation/ job profile, knowledge requirements as well as guidelines laid down by their regulatory board before registering for the webinars.

CLICK HERE to view the IIA website for CPE requirements for Certified Financial Services Auditors (CFSA).

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