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Bob Oberstein

Bob Oberstein

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  • 4.7 / 5
  • Labor Management/Employee Relations/HR
  • Conflict Resolution (Mediation and Arbitration)
  • Negotiation
  • Workplace Investigation

Bob Oberstein is uniquely qualified with over 50 years of experience on both sides of the table in both the private and public sectors. During part of those years Bob was Director of the Labor Management Relations program at Ottawa University, Phoenix where he also served as Ombudsman to investigate and resolve all student, faculty and staff complaints. 

Bob has several published articles to his credit in addition to his arbitration awards and has also been recognized in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. Additionally, Bob served on several boards, commissions, and panels where he participated in resolving or adjudicating all manner of workplace issues in a variety of industries. In all these capacities as well as being both mediator and arbitrator Bob often reviews disciplines to determine if they were proper and had merit. Additionally, Bob has qualified as both an MD-110 investigator for Title VII and other discrimination related charges as well as being a “Lifetime Certificate Holder” of the Association of Workplace Investigators. Moreover, Bob earned a Master of Jurisprudence in Labor and Employment Law from Tulane University's School of Law. Bob continues to serve the labor management community as well as other groups as an Arbitrator, Mediator, Facilitator, Investigator, Trainer and Educator.

Social Media Issues at Workplace
Social Media Issues in the Workplace
  • Sep 26, 10:00 AM ET
  • CPA (US)
  • SHRM
  • HRCI
  • IA LPA
  • ME LPA
  • DE LPA
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  • 4.6
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Internal Investigation Crash Course
Internal Investigation Crash Course
  • Oct 01, 12:30 PM ET
  • CPA (US)
  • SHRM
  • HRCI
  • IA LPA
  • ME LPA
  • DE LPA
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  • 4.8
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Social Media Issues at Workplace
Social Media Issues in the Workplace
  • Oct 02, 03:30 PM ET
  • CPA (US)
  • SHRM
  • HRCI
  • IA LPA
  • ME LPA
  • DE LPA
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  • 4.6
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Investigation Report Writing
Writing the Investigation Report: Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying
  • Oct 03, 12:00 PM ET
  • CPA (US)
  • SHRM
  • HRCI
  • IA LPA
  • ME LPA
  • DE LPA
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  • 4.6
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