I as the managing partner of The TOLI Center East help people better understand their life Insurance portfolio regardless of whether a person owns their life Insurance policy individually or through a trust. Whether the person is a CPA, an Attorney, or another type of an advisor, one thing remains the same. Most people are not familiar with their life Ins and incorrectly assume that their coverage will be there for the rest of their lives.
But because the majority of life insurance purchased over the last 25 years is Not Guaranteed and has significantly been affected by years of decreased interest rates and neglect on the part of the amateur trustee that wasn’t aware that they should have been increasing the annual premium, an increasing percentage of those policies are now expiring years earlier than anticipated.
Lastly, Life Insurance today is an 'Asset Class' and as such can significantly benefit the Insured with its 'Living Benefits' as well as the beneficiary with its traditional death benefit.
The more you and your clients know about your & their life insurance portfolio, the better off everyone’s family will be.
Co-authored American Bar Association Flagship book ‘The Advisors’ & Trustees’ Guide to Managing Risk. Featured in Bloomberg, Trust & Estates, NYS Bar Association, Accounting Today, Tax Stringer, Wall Street Week TV, Fox News, Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily & More ★
Contact me at ✉ henry@thetolicentereast.com or ☎ 516-695-4662. Visit ? www.thetolicentereast.com
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