All Courses, One Price. Unlimited Access and Many Benefits.

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April Accelerate Sale 2024 : 67% Savings on Subscription. Offer Ends Soon! April Accelerate Sale 2024 :
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Program Pro Elite Ultimate

Bring Outsourcing Success Today!

Coaching Exclusively for CPA and Accounting Firms

Our Coaching Solutions

Exclusively for CPA and Accounting Firm

We are not an outsourcing company; we provide outsourcing advisory services.*

Our Coaching Expertise Stands Out



Firms Transformed



Outsourcing Partners



Years of Expertise

Partner Selection Services 

Our Expert helps you in selecting the perfect Outsourcing Partner for your CPA and Accounting Firm

Select Popular Choice Prime
Recommendation Report (Inc. Comparision)
Independent Reference Check
Partner Evaluation Call Participation 2 Partner Evaluation
(Upto 4 Calls)
3 Partner Evaluation
(Upto 6 Calls)
Investment $1,499 $1,999

Accelerator Program

Exclusive Coaching Program for CPA and Accounting Firm 

Program Pro Elite Popular Choice Ultimate
No. of Weeks 12 Weeks Program 18 Weeks Program 24 Weeks Program
Biweekly Strategy & Review (90 mins meeting) 6 Calls 9 Calls 12 Calls
Access to Outsourcing Growth Playbook

Comprehensive guided videos/toolkit for rapidly scaling your firm through outsourcing, Encompassing the frameworks, Best practices and systems required for success.

Requirements, Objectives & Procedures Evaluation
Personalized Recommendation & Handholding
Comprehensive Strategic Advice
Documentation of Best Practices
Negotiation, Reporting & Communication Management
Operations Enhancement & Supervision
Collaboration with Stakeholders
Advisory on Strategies & Procedures
Online Team Training Sessions
Problem Solving & Buy-in Cultivation
Go-to Outsourcing Strategy Plan
Building Outsourcing Roadmap
Investment $7,999 $11,999 $15,999

Hire Outsourcing Success Advisor

Dedicated expert overseeing outsourcing success within your team

  • No contracts - cancel anytime
  • No long term commitment
  • Monthly Agreement
  • Monthly Strategy & Review (Up to 90 Mins)
  • Comphrensive Stakeholder Engagement
  • On-Demand Support (Online)
  • Best Practices Advisory


$799 /month

Get Started

Who Should Join Our Coaching Program?

This program is a perfect match for CPA and Accounting firm:

  • Facing a challenge in selecting right partner for outsourcing
  • Ready to adapt new changes for transformation
  • Seeking to tap global talent pools to optimize their staffing cost
  • Looking for ways to optimize their outsourcing strategy
  • Wants better communication lines and streamline workflows
  • Committed to ongoing L&D for outsourcing success
Let’s Connect

Success Indicators

Impact of outsourcing coaching on enhancing decision-making and streamlining your outsourcing journey


Staff outsourced



M +

Annual cost saving


M +

Hours outsourced


% +

Onshore work reduction

Take Steps for Outsourcing Success

Step 1

Schedule a call
Free 30-minute No obligation exploratory call.

Step 2

Online Sign Up
Select a plan that suits your needs.

Step 3

Start your journey
Get coached, apply insights, witness transformation.

In the words of CPAs and Accountants

Allen Stambaugh

Stambaugh Law Offices

Even though we were new to outsourcing, MY-CPE helped us to optimize the complete process end to end in a short span of time. From identifying the right partner to setting up outsourcing culture - They covered it all. It's a total win for us!

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Jack Owens, CPA
Partner, JE Owens & Company

"In my first year, I faced numerous challenges and felt disheartened. In May 2022, I enrolled in the Outsourcing Accelerator Program. Now, 60% of my team operates offshore, and over 70% of our work is successfully handled by them”

Bill Becker Jr.
Principal, Hancock Askew & Co.

“As the staffing landscape grows increasingly difficult, we found ourselves leaning more on our offshore teams and sought guidance in navigating this shift. Collaborating with mycpe made the outsourcing process smooth and efficient. Our team embraced the best practices and strategies wholeheartedly, allowing us to expedite our journey with strong team buy-in.”

Robin Theime

“I was initially skeptical about outsourcing, but after experiencing the transformation firsthand, I'm a believer. The outsourcing coaching program provided me with the tools and strategies to delegate effectively, allowing me to focus on driving business growth.”

Insights & Updates

Frequently Asked Questions

No, we're not an outsourcing service provider. We're dedicated independent coaches focused on empowering accounting firms like yours to succeed in outsourcing. We don’t charge any referral fee from our partners. Our goal is to equip you and your firm with the skills, strategies, and support needed to excel in outsourcing. 

Absolutely! Our coaching program is tailored to address a wide range of outsourcing needs, including specific requirements unique to your firm. We'll work closely with you to understand your needs and provide customized solutions to meet them. Click here to make a discovery call now.

Yes! Even if you're familiar with outsourcing, our coach and expert offers advanced strategies, optimization techniques, and ongoing support to further enhance your outsourcing success. We'll help you maximize the benefits and overcome any challenges you may encounter.

Our coaching team comprises industry experts with extensive experience in outsourcing and accounting. They bring a wealth of knowledge, practical insights, and proven strategies to help you achieve your outsourcing goals effectively.

Absolutely! Our coaching program is designed for individuals at all levels of familiarity with outsourcing, including beginners. We'll provide comprehensive guidance, education, and support to help you understand the concept of outsourcing and its potential benefits for your firm. Click here to make a discovery call now.