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Certified Management Accountant (CMA) CPE Requirements

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Continue Education For Qualification


CPE Requirements
30 hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) every year
License Renewal Period
Renew CPE license by December 31st of every year
CPE Reporting Cycle
The reporting period begins on January 1 following the successful completion of the examination.
Ethics Requirement
2 hours of Ethics
Carry Over Credits
A maximum of 10 hours of excess CPE credits can be carried over to the next year.

What are CPE Requirements for Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Professionals?

Certified Management Accountants (CMA) are required to complete at least 30 hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) every year. Many of our programs are Live and Self-Study approved to meet CMA CPE requirements. Here is MY-CPE Package for Certified Management Accountant (CMA) that meets all of your annual continuing education requirements in one go.

Click here for future reference.

What is the Ethics Requirement for Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Professionals?

All CMAs are required to complete a minimum of 2 hours of continuing education on the subject of ethics as part of their 30-hour annual CPE requirement. If more than 2 hours of Ethics are earned in a given year, up to 2 hours can be carried forward to the following year.
CLICK HERE for a webinar on Ethics.

What is a license renewal period for Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Professionals?

Certified Management Accountants (CMA) are required to renew CPE compliance by December 31st every year.

What is the CPE reporting cycle for Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Professionals?

The reporting period begins on January 1 following the successful completion of the examination.

CPE credits for Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Professionals  

CMAs, CFMs, and candidates who have completed the CMA and/or the CFM examination but have not yet met the experience requirement, are required to maintain their proficiency in the fields of management accounting and financial management. This includes knowledge of new concepts and techniques as well as their application in the management accounting and financial management professions. The objective is to maintain the professional competence of the individual and to enhance one's ability to perform job-related requirements.

MY-CPE LLC, an NASBA-approved provider, specializes in delivering Continuing Professional Education (CPE) courses tailored to meet the specific CMA CPE Requirements. Our NASBA-approved CPE courses are authored/reviewed by industry specialists and subject matter experts.  All our courses are designed in a way that ensures they meet the continuing education requirements.

Need guidance with compliance requirements?

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Individual Subscription

  • Unlimited Access to Continuing Education: Dive into our extensive library at your own pace without incurring any extra cost for your learning and compliance.
  • Top-Quality Courses: Our expert-led continuing education courses in 500+ subject areas with average 4.5* ratings. 
  • Flexibility: Learn anytime, anywhere, on any device.


Save $20 on Auto Renewal

Team Subscription

  • Unlimited Team Access to Continuing Education: Enable your team to grow together meeting compliances through our top quality courses.
  • Admin Dashboard: Easily track progress, manage team Learning, and assign continuing education courses. 
  • Flexibility: Learn anytime, anywhere, on any device.


CMA Packages

At MY-CPE, we offer specialized courses to meet your CMA continuing education needs. Our expert-led content is designed to fulfill CMA CPE requirements and ensure compliance with IMA CMA CPE requirements. Our user-friendly platform makes it easy to find the right courses to match your professional needs, helping you meet your CMA continuing education requirements efficiently. Choose MY-CPE for top-quality continuing education that supports your career growth and keeps you up-to-date in the accounting and tax profession. Join us today to fulfill your CMA CPE requirements through our high-quality courses.

Frequently Asked Questions

A broad range of subjects may be included in the programs for which hours of credit will be given. The subjects should be related to the topics covered on ICMA's examinations and/or to an individual's job responsibilities.

Examples of the subjects that may qualify are:
  • All aspects of accounting,
  • Financial management,
  • Business applications of mathematics and statistics,
  • Computer science,
  • Economics,
  • Management
  • Production
  • Marketing
  • Business law, and
  • Organizational behavior.

Click here for more details.

MY-CPE Package for Certified Management Accountants (CMA) meets all the CMA CPE requirements of professionals specified by IMA.

No, there are no minimum CPE requirements in a particular subject area.

  • Credit for hours of study will be given for programs sponsored by the Institute of Management Accountants, its councils and chapters, employers, businesses, educational institutions, other professional accounting organizations, and trade associations.
  • Programs may be regular college courses, seminars, workshops, or technical meetings under the direction of speakers, instructors, or discussion leaders.
  • The method of instruction may include lectures, discussions, case studies, and teaching aids such as training films, videotapes, audio cassettes, and computers.
  • Credit can be granted for home study courses, speeches, the publication of technical articles, and examinations. A program must be well organized and directed to qualify.
  • Programs presented by organizations that are registered with the National State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) meet the requirements of continuing education for CMAs and CFMs.

The annual membership fee for the Institute of Management Accountants, which gives out the CMA designation, is $275.This includes one-time application fees.

Click here for more details.

A Certified Management Accountant (CMA) can complete 100% of the total required CPE credit hours via self-study courses. i.e., a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) can complete all 30 hours via self-study courses from NASBA-approved CPE sponsors. As MY-CPE is approved by NASBA (Sponsor id 143597) our CMA Packages are 100% compliant with that requirement.

No, the Short video (Nano learning) method is not approved for the CPE requirements of a Certified Management Accountant (CMA). 

When a certified member completes more than 30 hours in a given year, up to ten hours may be carried forward to the next year.

In the event that the required hours of CPE are not completed, the CMA becomes delinquent and inactive. An inactive CMA is not considered a CMA until the delinquency is removed, and cannot use the CMA designation.

Click here for further reference.

The period between successful completion and the following January 1 is a grace period. CPE is not required during this period, but any CPE earned during this period can be counted as being earned in the first reporting period.

CMAs must report the CPE hours they complete each year. However, you do not need to submit supporting documents unless you’re audited. Normally, you can just use the member profile section on the IMA website to organize and record your CPE hours. All courses you take through the IMA itself will automatically show up in that section.

A CMA who is over 55 years of age and retired from the profession of management accounting/ financial management is exempt from the CPE requirements.

MY-CPE provides courses that are approved for continuing education credits by NASBA. Based on the guidelines issued by these boards regarding Continuing Education Requirements, we recommend the programs/ webinars to be suitable for NASBA specified in each webinar. However, it will be the responsibility of each attendee to ensure that they are eligible for the Continuing Education Credits based on their occupation/ job profile, knowledge requirements as well as guidelines laid down by their regulatory board before registering for the webinars.

CLICK HERE to view the CMA website fThe reporting period begins on January 1 following thor CPE requirements for Certified Management Accountants (CMA).