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Becker CMA Exam Prep vs. MY-CPE - Which is Right for You?

Do you aspire to become a finance professional and are on the lookout for the best CMA Exam Prep course. 

CMA (Certified Management Accountant), is one of the top courses in the United States, in which you must clear two papers to be an eligible member of the Institute of Management Accountants in the country. 

Landing on to your dream job as a CMA, being a globally recognized professional, and  getting high paying jobs is like a dream sequence, right. But before all this what you need to do is to pass the Two parts of CMA Exams. 

Passing CMA Exam

To pass your CMA exam in the very first attempt without filing, and to support your CMA goal you need a complete study material 100% covering the key subject areas of your exam. 

So, where are you going to get all that?  

Well, there are multiple learning resources and online platforms offering CMA Prep Courses. But among them today we will discuss two of the most renowned and celebrated CMA Exam Prep course providers, MY-CPE and Becker. 

1. MY-CPE CMA Exam Prep Course 

2. Becker CMA Exam Prep Review Course 

Shall we get started on the learning journey? Get a look at the brief comparison table comparing the key features of both of the industry leaders. 

Becker CMA vs MY-CPE

Let us sum up the key focus areas for deciding on the platform to choose for your CMA Learning Journey

Becker CMA
Course Fee $199 per year $1,209 per year 
Learning Content About 60+ Hours About 35+ Hours 
Practice Questions 2,000+ Practice Questions 3,000+ Practice Questions 
Live Interactive Sessions Monthly Sessions for Doubt clearing and Guidance Seekers Not Guidance or Doubt clearing session available 
Course Coverage 100% Coverage of ICMA LOS Not specifically mentioned 
Review Ratings 

4.7 on Trustpilot

4.9 on Google 

4.5 on Trustpilot 
Customer SupportVia E-Mail, Live Chat, Calls Via E-Mail, Calls 

This is not what it all looks like. Interested in learning more. Continue the blog to get a deep analysis of pros and cons of each of the platform containing , the course offering, pricing, Practical questions, compliance and other key areas that can have an influence on your exam preparation and play an important role in passing the exam.

CMA Exam Prep Course


Get a complete exam-based learning resource to pass your exam in very first attempt, MY-CPE CMA exam Prep course covers all your specific needs. Starting from top quality of learning content delivered by a seasoned subject matter expert.  

Let's get straight into why MY-CPE is the best spot for your CMA Preparation: 


  • 60+ hours of Video Lectures Covering every required Subject area for CMA prep.
  • Complete 100% On-demand Courses for flexible, whenever you want to learn.
  • 2,000 + Practice Questions and digital flashcards to master your exam questions.
  • 30+ Practice Questions in the Essay Format.
  • End to end coverage of 100% of the CMA Learning Outcome Statements.
  • Monthly live sessions for doubt clarifications and guidance seekers
  • Personalized learning experience with performance dashboards and 1 to 1 support for guidance seekers
  • Guided by Seasoned Professionals with over 10+ years of teaching experience.


  • Compared to Becker, MY-CPE has less practical Question (But believe in quality not quantity). 
  • Becker is one of the most trusted platforms for offering CMA Exam Prep Course their courses to Accounting and Finance Professionals. They have a long standing in being a large provider of the CMA Review course in the country. 

Becker CMA Exam Review

Now let’s get into what are the key strengths of Becker on their CMA Preparation Course: 


  • Only 35+ Hours of Video Content from Expert Faculty
  • 4,000 + Practice Questions and digital flashcards
  • With their proprietary technology Adapt2U, you can assess your exam readiness
  • 4,000 + Practice Questions and digital flashcards
  • Complete coverage of the ICMA LOS.


  • The course price of $1209 is extra expensive, not worth taking.
  • 35+ hours of video Lecture limits the knowledge of course
  • No 1 to 1 support for guidance and expert mentoring sessions.
  • They have a pass guarantee of availing support courses at no additional fee if you are unsuccessful in exams, but they do not offer a money back scheme.


 Having said and done with the core offerings of both the platforms, we make a strong case to prefer us in terms of value for money and the unlimited access we provide to various additional learning courses under our blanket fee of $ 199 per year. We stand on the same footing as Becker and still provide a great deal of results to our students.  

Once you are done reading through the blog, do not forget to enroll with MY-CPE for your learning journey and let’s reach greater heights together 

CMA Exam Prep Course


Yes, as and when you have new contents eligible under the course, the CMA Prep Course is updated for you without any additional costs.

Once you subscribe to the MY-CPE Exam Prep course, you will have a three year period to complete your preparation and pass your CMA exam. If for some reasons you are not able to complete the course within the stipulated time frame, the course will expire.

The IMA recommends to make a minimum of 150 to 170 hours per part of the CMA Exams

Nicholas Branson, CPA
Nicholas Branson, CPA

The author, Nick Branson is a CPA and Co- president of myCPE – Continuing Education Platform for Professionals. He has experience of more than 2 decades in the field educating the top professionals in the field of CPA, CMA, CIA and many more.

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