Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation cover a vast area to ensure that you have overall guidance. It covers the basics of fraud investigation, their engagements, and creating fraud investigation reports. With the technology factors dominating certain types of investigation, if the need arises how to conduct an online investigation is also covered. There are numerous types of business and non-business entities and conducting fraud investigations for every one of them requires a different approach. This certificate course attempts to cover many of them. It also includes a diversity of cases such as securities fraud and insurance fraud to provide you an idea of how you can take charge of investigations in such cases. Thus, the Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation certification tries to give you a bird's eye view of the basics and variety of complexities that a professional may have to encounter.
The Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation Certification course ensures that you have a strong overall approach and understanding of forensic accounting and investigations basic for fraud. It provides you with an overall aptitude to deal with the complexities covering different types of business and nonbusiness entities. It is going to help attendees take insights into dealing with clients at the time of engagement, dealing with the type of entities, and specialized cases. It enables you to take online investigations and create effective reports for them. Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation Certification helps you prepare to deal with all key complexities.
1. Complete the entire video 100%.
2. Answer all the review questions correctly. The review questions are at the bottom of the same page where you are viewing the course video.
3. Once you have watched the whole video and answered all the review questions, the Final Quiz will open up. You need to score more than 70% in the Final Quiz to avail your CPE credit. Multiple attempts are allowed for submitting Review and Final Quiz questions.
4. Once you have completed the Review and Final quiz questions, you shall be able to download the credit certificate from the ‘My Certificates’ section. Kindly ensure you have allowed Multiple File download from your web browser to download all certificates.
5. You can download individual certificate from your "Account" as well as from this page once you complete a particular courses. Also, you can download "Consolidated Certificate" from the package page or from your account.
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