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David Podell

David Podell

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  • 4.6 / 5
  • Defined Benefit Plans
  • Cash Balance Plans
  • Tax Mitigation Strategies
  • Outsourced Financial Solutions

David Podell started Business Benefits Consultants when he identified a niche space that was filled with complexity and a need for systems in the larger deductible tax strategy space. He has lectured extensively and is a sought-out specialist in the defined benefit and cash balance arena.  He has been featured in FORBES, American Institute of CPA’s, CPA Practice Advisor, and multiple small business journals.  David has become an acclaimed speaker on multiple podcasts. His firm is commissioned by tax professionals and financial advisors throughout the country to provide an outsourced solution that allows them to adapt and manage these types of plans for their clients. 

Defined Benefit Plans
Optimize Tax Planning: Using Defined Benefit Plans
  • Sep 25, 10:00 AM ET
  • CPA (US)
  • EA
  • AFSP
  • CFP® (US)
  • CRTP
  • CFA
  • ChFC
  • Maryland Tax Preparer
  • ORTP
  • TEP
  • CWS
  • RICP
  • CLU
  • LTC
  • FSCP
  • WMCP
  • CASL
  • IA LPA
  • CIPM
  • ChSNC
  • ME LPA
  • DE LPA
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  • 4.6
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Defined Benefit Plans
Optimize Tax Planning: Using Defined Benefit Plans
  • Sep 27, 02:30 PM ET
  • CPA (US)
  • EA
  • AFSP
  • CFP® (US)
  • CRTP
  • CFA
  • ChFC
  • Maryland Tax Preparer
  • ORTP
  • TEP
  • CWS
  • RICP
  • CLU
  • LTC
  • FSCP
  • WMCP
  • CASL
  • IA LPA
  • CIPM
  • ChSNC
  • ME LPA
  • DE LPA
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  • 4.6
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Defined Benefit Plans
Optimize Tax Planning: Using Defined Benefit Plans
  • Oct 30, 04:00 PM ET
  • CPA (US)
  • EA
  • AFSP
  • CFP® (US)
  • CRTP
  • CFA
  • ChFC
  • Maryland Tax Preparer
  • ORTP
  • TEP
  • CWS
  • RICP
  • CLU
  • LTC
  • FSCP
  • WMCP
  • CASL
  • IA LPA
  • CIPM
  • ChSNC
  • ME LPA
  • DE LPA
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  • 4.6
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