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"Steven was knowledgeable and thorough…”
Steven was knowledgeable and thorough in his information about the product and what is offered. He was empathetic to my situation. He went above and beyond answering all of my many questions. Excellent service!
Crystal lovejoy
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Great service and very patient as I asked several questions. Steven answered all my questions and helped me make the right decision in my subscription purchase. Thank you.
Lori corry
"It is what it advertised to be”
It is what it advertised to be. Professional quality training and CPE tracking and certificates; systems knows AZ CPA CPE requirements and categories. I've needed help on several occasions and the assistance was quick and effective; however, there were some problems with data entry. The assistance sometimes asks for input, but when I try to type it is dissallowed for some reason. On several occasions I had to close the popup to get it out of my way.
Brian Carey
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Great customer service. Classes are pertinent. Great value
Trusted by 250,000+ Professionals
Trusted by 250,000+ Professionals
"Steven was knowledgeable and thorough…”
Steven was knowledgeable and thorough in his information about the product and what is offered. He was empathetic to my situation. He went above and beyond answering all of my many questions. Excellent service!
Crystal lovejoy
"Great Customer Service”
Great service and very patient as I asked several questions. Steven answered all my questions and helped me make the right decision in my subscription purchase. Thank you.
Lori corry
"It is what it advertised to be”
It is what it advertised to be. Professional quality training and CPE tracking and certificates; systems knows AZ CPA CPE requirements and categories. I've needed help on several occasions and the assistance was quick and effective; however, there were some problems with data entry. The assistance sometimes asks for input, but when I try to type it is dissallowed for some reason. On several occasions I had to close the popup to get it out of my way.
Brian Carey
"Great customer service”
Great customer service. Classes are pertinent. Great value
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John Paul Ruiz has spent more than 20 years as a consultant and trainer in the retirement and financial services industry. Prior to joining The Entrust Group, Ruiz served as the Vice President of Professional Development for Integrated Retirement Initiatives, LLC. His responsibilities involved developing and delivering retirement plan training to financial advisors as well compliance personnel to some of the largest institutions offering retirement products and solutions. With his comprehensive knowledge of alternative investments, his consulting and training expertise was sought after by numerous third party administrators in the self-directed IRA market. His former positions included, Director of Resource Development for the Retirement Products & Solutions division of Acensus (formerly BISYS Retirement Services). Ruiz was responsible for overseeing the development and delivery of the Ascensus professional development and training services using a broad spectrum of media including * Live group presentations * One-on-one coaching sessions * Video productions * Live and recorded webinars * Online schools * Telephone seminars
In high demand as a speaker in the retirement services industry, Ruiz has been a featured key note speaker and industry expert at numerous regional and national conferences. Ruiz has served as a member of the faculty of national schools including the American Bankers Association (ABA) Trust School and the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Ruiz has also served on the faculty of the IRA Institute, which serves as preparatory course for retirement professionals pursuing the Certified IRA Services Professional (CISP) designation offered through the Institute of Certified Bankers (ICB) or the Certified IRA Professional (CIP) designation offered through the National Association of Federal Credit Unions (NAFCU). Ruiz has become well-known in the industry for his ability to help financial advisers understand how to create selling opportunities by building their retirement plan expertise and staying on top of legislative and regulatory developments.
During his tenure with Ascensus, Ruiz also held position as senior ERISA consultant and as manager of the ERISA Support Call Center, a fee-for-service hotline that provided ERISA technical support to financial services professionals. Prior to Ascensus, Ruiz served as a relationship manager for several key alliance partners in the recordkeeping division of Universal Pension, Inc. Prior to joining Universal Pensions Inc. he worked in the consumer loan division of Wells Fargo Bank.
Ruiz earned the Qualified 401(k) Administrator (QKA) designation from the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries (ASPPA) and holds a Certified IRA Service Professional (CISP) certification through the American Bankers Association’s Institute of Certified Bankers (ICB).
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