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Common Frauds in Governmental Entities

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Ratings and Review



Very Good





Shirin Atey, CPA Student

I wanted to express my gratitude for the invaluable learning experience I recently had on your platform, specifically regarding the topic of governmental frauds. The courses and resources available have provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding fraud within governmental organizations. The content was not only well-structured but also presented in a manner that made it accessible to learners with varying levels of expertise. The diverse range of courses covered various aspects of governmental fraud, from detection techniques to preventive measures, offering a holistic view of the subject matter. What truly stood out to me was the real-world relevance of the examples and case studies presented. They provided practical insights into the challenges faced by government agencies and the importance of implementing robust anti-fraud measures. Additionally, the interactive elements, such as quizzes and discussions, facilitated a deeper engagement with the material. The ability to connect with other learners and industry professionals through the platform's community features added a valuable networking dimension to my learning experience. Overall, the knowledge gained from the MyCPE courses on governmental frauds has enhanced my professional capabilities and increased my confidence in dealing with these issues in my role. I look forward to exploring more courses on your platform and continuing my journey of professional development. Thank you once again for providing such a high-quality and enriching educational experience.

Owen Mccafferty
Owen Mccafferty, CPA (US)

Dr. Minniti always presents very useful narrative with well-placed and thought-out examples and war stories that solidify the multi-faceted world of fraud detection and prevention from a governmental standpoint. Thank you.


Ebony Johnson-battle, CFE

Great presentation. I would like to see updated material. The presenter used information from 2015-2021. I would like to know the outcome of everything post-covid.


Juanita Baier, Others

Another great course. I liked that the instructor used recent cases from all over the US. He used cases from local governments, state and federal government.


Trent Anderson, CFE

The presenter provides a good overview of many different types of fraud that can occur in government entities and recent fraud examples from the news.

Subject Area

Auditing (Govt.)

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