Earn 50% of the fees from every deal you close. We both benefit equally from each successful transaction.
Access a wide range of M&A deals across various industries. Connect directly with clients seeking your expertise, saving you time.
Complete our 20-hour training to stay current in the industry. Share your knowledge and stand out as a leader in the field.
Add our partnership to your LinkedIn profile to showcase your involvement. Network with other experienced professionals in our group.
Earn 50% of the fees from every deal you close. We both benefit equally from each successful transaction.
Professionals with deep knowledge in specific sectors looking to leverage their expertise.
Those who want to expand their reach without the constraints of traditional firm structures.
Update your professional profiles to show the new partnership. Start working on opportunities and connect with clients in our network.
Join our 20-hour proprietary training to understand our processes and standards. You can complete it at your own pace to fit your schedule.
Sign the agreement outlining the terms. We'll give you access to our resources and support services.
Update your professional profiles to show the new partnership. Start working on opportunities and connect with clients in our network.
Unlock new opportunities by partnering with us! Follow these simple steps to get started