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Advance Your Skills with Steve Dawson's CPE/CE/CPD Webinar

Steve Dawson

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Dawson Forensic Group performs fraud investigations, litigation support, asset tracing, accounting records reconstruction, fraud prevention training/consulting, and other forensic accounting services for companies that are or have experienced internal fraud.

Through our Institute for Small Business Internal Controls, we work tenaciously to help companies reduce the risk of internal fraud. Whether through employee training, written materials, or internal controls consulting, we believe that companies can fight the plague of internal fraud better than current practices show.

My book "Internal Control / Anti-Fraud Program Design for the Small Business" was recently published by Wiley Publishing and is available in hardback or e-book format at all major online retailers

The Construction Process Of Fraud Prevention: Designing An Effective Company Anti-fraud Program
The Construction Process Of Fraud Prevention: Designing An Effective Company Anti-fraud Program
  • CPA (US)
  • CIA
  • CFE
  • CRMA
  • CPA in Canada
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Increasing Fraud Detection: See Inside the Mind of a Perpetrator
Increasing Fraud Detection: See Inside the Mind of a Perpetrator
  • CPA (US)
  • CIA
  • CFE
  • CRMA
  • CPA in Canada
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  • 4.6
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Business Email
Business Email Compromise: Prevention and Verification to Mitigate Loss
  • CPA (US)
  • CIA
  • CFE
  • CMA
  • CRMA
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  • 4.7
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