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"Steven was knowledgeable and thorough…”
Steven was knowledgeable and thorough in his information about the product and what is offered. He was empathetic to my situation. He went above and beyond answering all of my many questions. Excellent service!
Crystal lovejoy
"Great Customer Service”
Great service and very patient as I asked several questions. Steven answered all my questions and helped me make the right decision in my subscription purchase. Thank you.
Lori corry
"It is what it advertised to be”
It is what it advertised to be. Professional quality training and CPE tracking and certificates; systems knows AZ CPA CPE requirements and categories. I've needed help on several occasions and the assistance was quick and effective; however, there were some problems with data entry. The assistance sometimes asks for input, but when I try to type it is dissallowed for some reason. On several occasions I had to close the popup to get it out of my way.
Brian Carey
"Great customer service”
Great customer service. Classes are pertinent. Great value
Become a Valued Member of myCPE Professionals Community
Trusted by 250,000+ Professionals
"Steven was knowledgeable and thorough…”
Steven was knowledgeable and thorough in his information about the product and what is offered. He was empathetic to my situation. He went above and beyond answering all of my many questions. Excellent service!
Crystal lovejoy
"Great Customer Service”
Great service and very patient as I asked several questions. Steven answered all my questions and helped me make the right decision in my subscription purchase. Thank you.
Lori corry
"It is what it advertised to be”
It is what it advertised to be. Professional quality training and CPE tracking and certificates; systems knows AZ CPA CPE requirements and categories. I've needed help on several occasions and the assistance was quick and effective; however, there were some problems with data entry. The assistance sometimes asks for input, but when I try to type it is dissallowed for some reason. On several occasions I had to close the popup to get it out of my way.
Brian Carey
"Great customer service”
Great customer service. Classes are pertinent. Great value
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Jonnie Keith CIA, CFE, CGAP
4.6 / 5
Mr. Keith has over 50 years of audit experience and served
as the Chief Audit Executive for the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit
Authority (MARTA) for 12 years before his retirement in 2012. His other audit experience includes serving
as Operational Audit Manager for five years and was a Senior Auditor in the
Contract Compliance Audit Branch at MARTA.
He was also a Senior Auditor at Norfolk Southern Railway, and a Bank
Examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
As the Chief Audit Executive for MARTA, he was responsible
for administering the overall audit activities for the Department of Internal
Audit including:
Providing the Board of Directors, the GM/CEO, MARTA Senior Management and appropriate government entities with independent analysis, appraisals, and recommendations concerning operational, information technology, contract compliance, and financial audits.
Directing the day-to-day activities for three audit managers, 12 auditors and the audit coordinator.
Developing an annual risk-based audit plan to maximize audit resources in addressing MARTA risks.
Assisting the Audit Committee Chair with the quarterly Audit committee meetings.
Developing and operating within the approved audit budget; and
Assisting the Board, the GM/CEO, and Management in other areas as necessary and requested.
He was a volunteer seminar instructor for the Institute of Internal Auditors. Some of the courses taught included:
Writing Effective Audit Reports
Tools and Techniques for the Beginning Auditor
Communication Skills for Auditors
Leadership Skills for the Auditor-In-Charge
Audit Project Management
CIA Review Course
He has written three IIA Magazine articles including:
Killing the Spider, April 2005
Producing Quality Audit Reports, August 2018
Write Effective Audit Objectives, June 2020
He has provided training for the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Annual Conference:
2018 Bulletproofing Your Fraud Reports
2019 Writing Effective Fraud Findings
He currently teaches audit webinars, including:
How to Write Effective Audit Observations
How to Put the Quality in Audit Reports
What It Takes to Be the Auditor-In-Charge
Report Writing Techniques for Audit Professionals
How to Assess Risks and Evaluate Controls
He has a degree in Economics from Clark Atlanta University. His certifications include Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP).
Mr. Keith has been married over 50 years. He also co-authored a book with his wife on marriage entitled “Tied Together – The Marriage Trinity”. He has two daughters and five grandchildren.
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