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Marc Kiner

Marc Kiner

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  • 4.6 / 5
  • Social Security
  • Public accounting
  • Social Security filings
  • Social Security benefits

Marc is currently part owner and President with Premier Social Security Consulting.  Marc is also a certified instructor for the National Social Security Advisor Certificate program.   Marc created and developed the National Social Security Advisor certificate program with his partner, Jim.  Marc has over 30 years’ experience in public accounting.  

Marc recently sold his CPA practice to concentrate on Social Security.  Marc obtained his Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting and Finance and a Master’s Degree from the University of Cincinnati.  He is licensed to practice as a CPA in the State of Ohio.  Marc is the President of Premier Social Security Consulting LLC and the President and on the board of National Social Security Association, LLC.   Marc is a supporter of Crayons to Computers, a free store for teachers.  Marc lives in Cincinnati and has two sons, Jeremy, 28 and Aaron 22.

Social Security
Situational Social Security
  • CPA (US)
  • CFA
  • ChFC
  • CSA
  • TEP
  • CWS
  • RICP
  • CLU
  • CIMA
  • FSCP
  • WMCP
  • CPWA
  • CASL
  • IA LPA
  • CIPM
  • RMA
  • ChSNC
  • ME LPA
  • DE LPA
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  • 4.6
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