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"Steven was knowledgeable and thorough…”
Steven was knowledgeable and thorough in his information about the product and what is offered. He was empathetic to my situation. He went above and beyond answering all of my many questions. Excellent service!
Crystal lovejoy
"Great Customer Service”
Great service and very patient as I asked several questions. Steven answered all my questions and helped me make the right decision in my subscription purchase. Thank you.
Lori corry
"It is what it advertised to be”
It is what it advertised to be. Professional quality training and CPE tracking and certificates; systems knows AZ CPA CPE requirements and categories. I've needed help on several occasions and the assistance was quick and effective; however, there were some problems with data entry. The assistance sometimes asks for input, but when I try to type it is dissallowed for some reason. On several occasions I had to close the popup to get it out of my way.
Brian Carey
"Great customer service”
Great customer service. Classes are pertinent. Great value
Become a Valued Member of myCPE Professionals Community
Trusted by 250,000+ Professionals
"Steven was knowledgeable and thorough…”
Steven was knowledgeable and thorough in his information about the product and what is offered. He was empathetic to my situation. He went above and beyond answering all of my many questions. Excellent service!
Crystal lovejoy
"Great Customer Service”
Great service and very patient as I asked several questions. Steven answered all my questions and helped me make the right decision in my subscription purchase. Thank you.
Lori corry
"It is what it advertised to be”
It is what it advertised to be. Professional quality training and CPE tracking and certificates; systems knows AZ CPA CPE requirements and categories. I've needed help on several occasions and the assistance was quick and effective; however, there were some problems with data entry. The assistance sometimes asks for input, but when I try to type it is dissallowed for some reason. On several occasions I had to close the popup to get it out of my way.
Brian Carey
"Great customer service”
Great customer service. Classes are pertinent. Great value
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Philip Whitman
4.3 / 5
Succession Planning
Mergers & Acquisitions
Strategic Talent Acquisition
Practice Management Consulting
Whitman Business Advisors LLC specializes in succession strategies for CPAs and CPA firms.
Phil Whitman is one of the top experts in CPA firm growth and management; he brings a service philosophy and contributes unique perspective and skills to help you achieve your succession and acquisition goals.
■ Pre-merger services
■ Transaction assistance
■ Post-merger integration
■ Succession Planning, including selecting successors
■ Strategic placements
■ Talent acquisitions
■ Facilitation
■ Coaching
■ Profitability
■ Training
As the former Chief Operating Officer of one of the Top 30 CPA firms in the Nation, and 25 year veteran in public accounting, I have worked with top management in overseeing day-to-day operations and ensured efficiency and profitability. I truly understand the inner workings and executive decision making factors of the mid-sized firm. Additionally, my accounting experience includes audit work in a Big Four firm, tax work in a large international firm, as well as experience as the COO/CFO of a law firm. I have also served as a general partner in a restaurant/real estate venture. I have authored articles and have been a featured speaker for the Association of Legal Administrators NYC Chapter.
I am a member of the NYSSCPAs, immediate past Chair of the Management of the Profession Oversight Committee, an active member of the Large and Medium Firm Practice Management Committee and former Chair of the Human Resource Committee. I was the Conference Chair of the Foundation for Accounting Education’s 2010 and 2009 Practice Management Conference and the 2008 and 2007 CFOs, Controllers, and Financial Executive Conference.
Contact me directly to discuss how I can positively impact your organization: 212-983-0035. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn using my email address:
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