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Sia Kal

Sia Kal

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  • 4.6 / 5

Sia is an internationally recognized Business Performance Coach who has been educating thousands of Accounting Firms on how to scale and reach impressive and sustainable results in their business.  He has created and delivered hundreds of compelling professional courses and workshops, specifically designed to upgrade the business performance of accounting firms. Sia’s expertise is to enable accounting firms resolve issues that imped their ability to achieve success beyond expectations.  His passion is to focus on morality and fair dealing in the business world to cultivate relationships. His key to success has been ‘putting people before profit,’ a strategy that has proven to be profitable.

Workplace Strategy
What Is The Winning Strategy: Remote Work, In-Office, Or Hybrid?
  • Oct 30, 11:30 AM ET
  • CPA (US)
  • SHRM
  • CMA
  • HRCI
  • IA LPA
  • ME LPA
  • DE LPA
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  • 4.6
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