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Edie Gardner

Edie Gardner

  • 0 / 5
  • Accounting and Taxation
  • Clinical Social Work
  • Non-Profit Organizations
  • Education and Training

Edie Gardner is living out her career dream of feeling free to own her own business. "Wait, I thought you were a social worker?" "Didn't you say you are a CPA?" Yes and yes. Edie began her professional career as a public auditor with one of the then Big 8 accounting firms, Arthur Young, in San Jose, CA. After working in audit and tax and getting licensed, Edie went back to school to get her Masters and became a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). While that seems like a major departure from accounting, her auditing experience proved invaluable as a lifelong student of what makes people tick and stress management. With two different career licenses Edie combined them by working extensively with non-profit organizations. 

Edie lived out her next bucket list item by being a stay-at-home mom, but as a hockey mom, she was rarely at home. In 2012, Edie put her shingle out with her own business. Initially Edie took on accounting work for small business accounting using QuickBooks and personal bookkeeping. In 2017, Edie decided to add counseling services to her shingle. In 2022, Edie started presenting webinars for helping professionals on how to manage their accounting books. Her first webinar on taxes had 8,500 registrants; clearly, private practitioners are starving for knowledge on the books of their business. In addition to running her counseling and coaching practice, Edie now offers trainings for accountants to have their own business, no matter the size, specializing in the books for those in helping professions. 

QuickBooks Online in the Healthcare Industry
QuickBooks Online in the Healthcare Industry
  • Oct 04, 03:00 PM ET
  • CPA (US)
  • IA LPA
  • ME LPA
  • DE LPA
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