Governmental Entities and Cyber Frauds 2 Credits

Aug 17, 2023, 03:00 PM ET

Governmental Entities and Cyber Frauds 2 Credits

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Aug 17, 2023, 03:00 PM ET

Learning Objectives

  • To identify cyber frauds that could affect governments.
  • To describe various types of cyber frauds and the methods criminals use to attack government IT systems.
  • To recognize risks governments face from cyber fraud.
  • To identify and apply internal controls that can help to prevent cyber fraud in governmental entities.
  • To identify the steps in the framework for improving critical infrastructure cyber security.
  • To differentiate CIS Critical Security Controls relate to having an inventory of authorized and unauthorized devices.
  • To identify the steps in the NIST Cyber Security Framework.
  • To identify cyber security best practices.

Course Overview

Computer interconnectivity has produced enormous benefits but has also enabled criminal activity that exploits this interconnectivity for financial gains and other malicious purposes, such as Internet fraud, child exploitation, identity theft, and terrorism. Efforts to address cybercrime include activities associated with protecting networks and information, detecting criminal activity, investigating crime, and prosecuting criminals. 

GAO's objectives were to

  • Determine the impact of cybercrime on our nation's economy and security.
  • Describe key federal entities, as well as nonfederal and private sector entities, responsible for addressing cybercrime.
  • Determine challenges being faced in addressing cybercrime.

To accomplish these objectives, GAO analyzed multiple reports, studies, and surveys and held interviews with public and private officials.

Cyber fraud with government entities is the most serious misconduct. A cybercrime against the government is also regarded as Cyber Terrorism. Government cyber fraud involves the hacking of websites, military websites, or the distribution of government propaganda.

This online CPE course is designed for individuals who would like to obtain a basic understanding of how cyber fraud affects governmental entities. We will discuss various types of cyber fraud and the methods criminals use to attack government IT systems. Examples of real-world cases will be provided to help develop an understanding of the risk governments faces from cyber fraud. We will review internal controls that can help to prevent cyber fraud in governmental entities. 

Major topics covered in this online CPE webinar:

  • Basic understanding of how cyber fraud affects governmental entities.
  • Discuss various types of cyber fraud and the methods criminals use to attack government IT systems.
  • Examples of real-world cases will be provided.
  • Review internal controls that can help to prevent cyber fraud in governmental entities.

On Demand Credits for All Qualifications

Live Webinar Credits for All Qualifications

License details Credits Status
Auditing (Govt.) for Certified Public Accountants (CPA-US) 2 CPE Approved
Accounting & Auditing (Govt.) for Certified Internal Auditors (CIA) 2 CPE Eligible
Auditing (Govt.) for Delaware Licensed Public Accountant (DE-LPA) 2 CPE Eligible
Accounting & Auditing (Govt.) for Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM) 2 CPE Eligible
Cybersecurity for Certified Information Technology Professionals (CITP) 2 CPD Eligible
Risk-Based Audit Planning for Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) 2 CPE Eligible
Accounting & Auditing (Govt.) for Internal Audit Practitioner (IAP) 2 CPE Eligible
Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) 2 CPE Eligible
Certified Internal Controls Auditor (CICA) 2 CPE Eligible
Cybersecurity for Certified Financial Forensics (CFF) 2 CPD Eligible
Master Analyst In Financial Forensics (MAFF) 2 CPE Eligible
Auditing (Govt.) for Yellow Book Professionals 2 CPE Eligible
Accounting & Auditing (Govt.) for Qualification in Internal Audit Leadership (QIAL) 2 CPE Eligible
Auditing (Govt.) for Iowa Licensed Public Accountant (IA-LPA) 2 CPE Eligible
Auditing (Govt.) for Maine Licensed Public Accountant (ME-LPA) 2 CPE Eligible
Information Technology Certified Associate (ITCA) 2 CPE Eligible
Certified Controls Specialist (CCS) 2 CPE Eligible
Accounting & Auditing (Govt.) for Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP) 2 CPE Eligible
License details Credits Status
Auditing (Govt.) for Certified Public Accountants (CPA-US) 2 CPE Approved
Accounting & Auditing (Govt.) for Certified Internal Auditors (CIA) 2 CPE Eligible
Auditing (Govt.) for Delaware Licensed Public Accountant (DE-LPA) 2 CPE Eligible
Accounting & Auditing (Govt.) for Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM) 2 CPE Eligible
Cybersecurity for Certified Information Technology Professionals (CITP) 2 CPD Eligible
Risk-Based Audit Planning for Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) 2 CPE Eligible
Accounting & Auditing (Govt.) for Internal Audit Practitioner (IAP) 2 CPE Eligible
Accounting & Auditing (Govt.) for Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) 2 CPE Eligible
Cybersecurity for Certified Financial Forensics (CFF) 2 CPD Eligible
Auditing for Master Analyst In Financial Forensics (MAFF) 2 CPE Eligible
Accounting & Auditing (Govt.) for Qualification in Internal Audit Leadership (QIAL) 2 CPE Eligible
Auditing (Govt.) for Iowa Licensed Public Accountant (IA-LPA) 2 CPE Eligible
Auditing (Govt.) for Maine Licensed Public Accountant (ME-LPA) 2 CPE Eligible
Standards, Governance, and Risk/Control Frameworks for Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP) 2 CPE Eligible
Information Technology Certified Associate (ITCA) 2 CPE Eligible

Additional Information



Course Level


Instructional Method

QAS Self Study

Group Internet Based



Advance Preparation



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About Instructor

Dr. Robert Minniti - Expert Speaker on Accounting and Fraud

Dr. Robert Minniti , CPA (US)

President, Minniti CPA LLC

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Dr. Minniti is the President and Owner of Minniti CPA, LLC. Dr. Minniti is a Certified Public Accountant, Certified Forensic Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Valuation Analyst, Certified in Financial Forensics, Master Analyst in Financial Forensics, Chartered Global Management Accountant, and is a licensed private investigator in the state of Arizona. Dr. Minniti received his doctoral degree in business administration from Walden University, received his MBA degree and Graduate Certificate in Accounting from DeVry University’s Keller Graduate School of Management, and received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree from the University of Phoenix. Dr. Minniti taught graduate and undergraduate courses in forensic accounting at DeVry University, Grand Canyon University, Kaplan University, Northwestern University, and the University of Phoenix.

He designed graduate and undergraduate courses for Grand Canyon University, Northwestern University, and Anthem College. He is a writer and public speaker. He has experience in forensic accounting, fraud examinations, financial audits, internal audits, compliance audits, real estate valuations, business valuations, internal control development, business continuation planning, risk management, financial forecasting, and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance work. Dr. Minniti is an instructor teaching continuing professional education classes for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Compliance Online, CPE Link/CCH . AccountingEd, Global Compliance Panel, Clear Law Institute, CPE Solutions, Canopy CPE, The Institute of Management Accountants, the National Association of Valuators and Analysts, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, the Institute of Internal Auditors, and various state CPA Societies.

On Demand FAQs

What is Self Study (QAS)?

Self Study QAS (Quality Assurance Service) is a NASBA and other regulatory bodies approved program designed for Professionals to complete their Continuing Professional Education credits through self-paced, interactive courses that meet the highest standards of quality and compliance. We are approved by NASBA, IRS, CFP Board, HRCI, SHRM, Payroll Org, FP Canada, and 25+ other regulatory bodies.

How do I earn CPE credits through self-study?

To earn CPE credits, you must complete the self-study course, pass the required assessments, and submit the necessary documentation. Credits are awarded based on the completion of course hours and successfully passing the assessments.

Are the self-study courses approved by NASBA and other regulatory bodies?

Yes, all our self-study courses are approved by NASBA, IRS, CFP Board, HRCI, SHRM, Payroll Org, FP Canada, and 25+ other regulatory bodies, ensuring they meet the rigorous standards for quality and educational content set by these organizations.

What are the requirements to maintain compliance with self-study courses?

To maintain compliance, you must follow the guidelines set by NASBA and other regulatory bodies, which include completing the course within the specified timeframe, passing the assessments, and keeping accurate records of your learning activities.

How can I access my course completion certificates?

After successfully completing a self-study course and passing the assessments, you can access and download your course completion certificates from your account dashboard on our platform. These certificates are recognized by NASBA, IRS, CFP Board, HRCI, SHRM, Payroll Org, FP Canada, and 25+ other regulatory bodies for compliance and reporting purposes.

How are credits reported to governing bodies?

We issue instant credit certificates, ensuring they are valid for presentation to governing bodies. Typically, we report IRS, CTEC, CFP, IDFP, IWI, VBOA Ethics credits within 7 days – the fastest in the industry.

Live Webinar FAQs

What is a Live Webinar Group Internet-Based Credit?

A Live Webinar Group Internet-Based Credit is an interactive, real-time online seminar where professionals can earn Continuing Education credits by participating in live sessions led by experts in various fields. These sessions meet the standards set by NASBA, IRS, CFP Board, HRCI, SHRM, Payroll Org, FP Canada, and 25+ other regulatory bodies.

How do I earn credits through live webinars?

To earn credits, you must attend the entire live webinar, actively participate in any polls or questions, and complete any required evaluations or assessments. Credits are awarded based on your attendance and participation in the live session.

Are the live webinars approved by NASBA and other regulatory bodies?

Yes, all our live webinars are approved by NASBA, IRS, CFP Board, HRCI, SHRM, Payroll Org, FP Canada, and 25+ other regulatory bodies, ensuring they meet the high standards for quality, interactivity, and educational content set by these organizations.

What are the requirements to maintain compliance with live webinar courses?

To maintain compliance, you must adhere to the guidelines set by NASBA and other regulatory bodies, which include attending the full duration of the webinar, participating in interactive elements, and completing any post-webinar evaluations or assessments.

How can I access my webinar completion certificates?

After successfully attending a live webinar and fulfilling all participation requirements, you can access and download your completion certificates from your account dashboard on our platform. These certificates are recognized by NASBA, IRS, CFP Board, HRCI, SHRM, Payroll Org, FP Canada, and 25+ other regulatory bodies for compliance and reporting purposes.

How are credits reported to governing bodies?

We issue instant credit certificates, ensuring they are valid for presentation to governing bodies. Typically, we report IRS, CTEC, CFP, IDFP, IWI, VBOA Ethics credits within 7 days – the fastest in the industry.

Reviews and Ratings

out of 5


Very Good





Robert Beatty, EA


Hi might be another good thing this course very valuable time as I am working at the bonus I believe excellent or better news. I was impressed with his knowledge what was his delivery and with his ability to connect to the Sims.


Ashok Barbole, AFE


Yes it was a good webinar and useful to keep update to oneself

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