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Understanding the Fraud Triangle

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Ratings and Review



Very Good




Owen Mccafferty
Owen Mccafferty, CPA (US)

Mr. Coghlan lives up to the heritage of his last name. I was completely engaged in his one and a half hour narrative of the explication of motivation, justification, and opportunity. The stories that were revealed of these concepts was really first rate. To my CPA collogues, don't miss out on a truly remarkable explanation of the violation of trust in the human condition. To the schedulers of myCPE, please include many more presenters who have similar competencies. The value is not only the message but more importantly the messenger. Finally, please schedule Mr. Coghlan for many more sessions. Thank you!.


Patty Arett, CPA (US)

That was a really good webinar. Informative and I really appreciated him adding the real life fraud cases. I would attend any webinar by Thomas. I enjoyed very much!


Anastassia Aleman, CPA (US)

Was very informative and actually interesting. LOVED the stories and examples shared. This is definitely one of my favorite CPE webinars so far.


Martin Penn, CPA (US)

Very good presentation on fraud triangle. Presenter has an engaging personality that made this interesting.


Michael Muchortow, CPA (US)

Presenter did a nice job summarizing the components of fraud and why it happens. Well done!

1.5 Credits

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